Arch Linux is Lego-like These videos dive deep into the flexibility and modularity of Arch Linux, presenting the process as similar to building with Lego blocks. The idea is that you start with a basic Arch Linux installation, which acts like a base plate, and from...
Base iso : ArcoLinuXL ArcoLinuXL Prime is just a name we gave our unique creation – Xfce4 and Chadwm All we need to keep safe is the packages file. Nothing else. Why not share your packages list with someone else. Now they can build your Prime ISO and we can...
Base iso : ArcoLinuXL ArcoLinuXL Prime is just a name we gave our unique creation – Xfce4 and Chadwm All we need to keep safe is the packages file. Nothing else. Why not share your packages list with someone else. Now they can build your Prime ISO and we can...
Base iso : ArcoLinuXL ArcoLinuXL Prime is just a name we gave our unique creation – Xfce4 and Chadwm All we need to keep safe is the packages file. Nothing else. Extra packages: flat-remix (chaotic-aur) colloid-cursors-git (chaotic-aur) firefox-esr (chaotic-aur)...
Base iso : ArcoLinuXL Extra packages: flat-remix (chaotic-aur) colloid-cursors-git (chaotic-aur) firefox-esr (chaotic-aur) fatrat-git (chaotic-aur) no sardi-icons and many other packages Extra packages for Chadwm: arcolinux-chadwm-git arcolinux-chadwm-pacman-hook-git...
Base iso : ArcoLinuXS Extra packages: colloid-cursors-git (chaotic-aur) firefox-esr (chaotic-aur) lutris (chaotic-aur) xonotic (chaotic-aur) – large game saurbraten(chaotic-aur) – large game edu-papirus-dark-tela-grey-git (nemesis-repo) chromium darktable...
Base iso : ArcoLinuxB Dk Extra packages: Flat-remix Angrysearch Extra Actions/Tips: website url to find the package name – /etc/pacman.d $repo=chaotic-aur $arch=x86_64 Using Personal folder .bashrc .config...
Base iso : ArcoLinuxB Wayfire Extra packages: Android-studio Flutter Extra Actions/Tips: website url to find the package name wayfire, hyprland and sway need to be installed on real metal not in virtual machines Result: iso of 3.9 GB This video introduces updated...
The image above is just one of the many chaotic-aur mirrors. Adding packages from the Chaotic-AUR repository expands the available software options for ArcoLinux ISOs, giving users more flexibility in...