How to create your personal look of any desktop – power project

want to build the iso? Git clone the code and run script number 40 like any other build. want to have this plasma theme? sudo pacman -S edu-power-git Activate the nemesis-repo with ATT if needed. SUMMARY Project Goal: The...

Creation of a personal look for Leftwm

After we changed the ArcoLinux Leftwm theme called Candy we want to keep our theme. Copy/paste the folder and rename it to brandy. This folder brandy will never be overwritten. Later we can leftwm to change the theme from candy to brandy. Keep your data save on...

Create new themes and create new aliases personal1, personal2, …

We have a /personal folder on ArcoLinux. The idea is to put your .config or your .local or anything else in there when building an iso. BUT You can fill this /personal folder later after a clean install of ArcoLinuxif building isos is not (yet) for you You can also do...

Building the ArcoLinuxB Awesome iso and using the personal folder

You can completely rewrite the code for Awesome or you can make small changes. It is all up to you. We show you how easy it is. Awesome has just the one folder where all the settings are. To make it a bit more complex we have added some wallpapers to the iso in the...