How to create ArcoLinuXL Prime and add Chaotic packages + arcolinux-nemesis

Base iso : ArcoLinuXL

ArcoLinuXL Prime is just a name we gave our unique creation – Xfce4 and Chadwm

All we need to keep safe is the packages file. Nothing else.

Extra packages:

  • flat-remix (chaotic-aur)
  • colloid-cursors-git (chaotic-aur)
  • firefox-esr (chaotic-aur)
  • gimp
  • inkscape
  • no sardi-icons
  • no firewall
  • no urxvt
  • yay-git instead of yay-bin
  • removing many xfce4 plugins
  • and many other packages

Extra packages for Chadwm:

  • arcolinux-chadwm-git
  • arcolinux-chadwm-pacman-hook-git
  • arcolinux-paleofetch-git
  • arcolinux-wallpapers-candy-git
  • autorandr
  • btop
  • dash
  • eww
  • lolcat
  • sxhkd
  • ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd
  • ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k
  • arcolinux-powermenu-git
  • inetutils
  • and more

Extra Actions/Tips:


  • iso of 3.1 GB

In this video, the creator embarks on refining their previously crafted project, termed as “ArcoLinuxL Prime,” which is an ArcoLinuxL ISO enhanced with packages from the Chaotic AUR and additional CHADWM configurations. The aim is to meticulously track and amend the package selection to better align with the creator’s preferences, emphasizing the customization of their future system. Key adjustments include opting for Chromium, rejecting certain applications like Darktable and more, and choosing preferred applications such as Gimp and Inkscape. The creator also decides against including certain drivers and applications unnecessary for their setup.

The process involves comparing the current package list with desired changes, making thoughtful selections about what to include or exclude, thereby tailoring the ISO to the creator’s specific needs. This curated list is then integrated into the ArcoLinux Nemesis script, underscoring the simplicity and power of maintaining just a single file to dictate the ISO’s composition.

The video demonstrates the creator’s meticulous process of selecting software, including the decision to use the latest version of “yay” from Git for package management, showcasing a preference for staying on the cutting edge. It also highlights the importance of personal choice in the selection of themes, icons, and additional software, further customizing the experience.

A notable part of the customization process is the removal of unnecessary plugins and applications, streamlining the ISO to include only what the creator finds useful. This step emphasizes the philosophy of having an ISO that perfectly matches the user’s preferences, eliminating any superfluous elements.

The video proceeds to showcase the building process of the customized ISO, indicating that it’s not just about selecting packages but also about integrating these selections into a functional and personalized Linux distribution. The result is an ISO that is not only a reflection of the creator’s preferences but also an example of how ArcoLinux tools enable profound customization of the Linux experience.

The creator concludes by demonstrating the installed system, adjusting settings such as themes and icons to finalize the customization. This process illustrates the ease with which users can modify their desktop environment post-installation, further personalizing their computing experience. The video ends with an encouragement to keep track of changes made, suggesting that this iterative process of customization and refinement is ongoing.

Overall, the video serves as a comprehensive guide on customizing ArcoLinuxL ISOs, showcasing the flexibility of Linux and the power of personalization in creating an operating system that meets the user’s specific needs and preferences.