Base iso : ArcoLinuXL
Extra packages:
- flat-remix (chaotic-aur)
- colloid-cursors-git (chaotic-aur)
- firefox-esr (chaotic-aur)
- fatrat-git (chaotic-aur)
- no sardi-icons
- and many other packages
Extra packages for Chadwm:
- arcolinux-chadwm-git
- arcolinux-chadwm-pacman-hook-git
- arcolinux-paleofetch-git
- arcolinux-wallpapers-candy-git
- autorandr
- btop
- dash
- eww
- lolcat
- sxhkd
- ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd
- ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k
- arcolinux-powermenu-git
- inetutils
- and more
Extra Actions/Tips:
- Use pamac-aur to find the packages you want from Chaotic-aur
- use meld to compare the two packages files and make your own decisions
- iso of 2.9 GB
In this video, the creator explores the enhanced capabilities now available for ArcoLinux ISO customization, emphasizing the inclusion of over 4,000 packages from the Chaotic AUR, which significantly broadens the scope of personalization for ArcoLinux ISOs. They demonstrate how to tailor an ISO to their preferences by incorporating Flutter, Android Studio, … alongside specific applications like Angry Search and games such as Xonotic.
The focus is on creating a hybrid ISO that combines the extensive package selection of ArcoLinuxL XL with the flexibility of CHADWM, aiming for a personalized ArcoLinuxL Prime ISO that includes preferred applications and themes, such as Firefox ESR from Chaotic AUR and the Flat Remix icon theme.
Throughout the process, the creator provides detailed instructions on how to merge different configurations and make informed choices about which packages to include or exclude, like opting for certain cursor themes and application launchers while avoiding others based on personal preference or hardware compatibility.
The tutorial also covers practical aspects of ISO customization, such as adjusting the build scripts to incorporate Chaotic AUR packages and handling potential conflicts, like with Firefox versions, to ensure the desired applications are included in the final ISO.
By the end of the video, the creator successfully builds their customized ArcoLinuxL Prime ISO, showcasing the flexibility and power of ArcoLinux’s build system to create a highly personalized Linux distribution. This process highlights the importance of continual customization and refinement to achieve an ideal setup tailored to individual needs and preferences.
In this tutorial, the creator explains how ArcoLinux users can now incorporate over 4,000 packages from the Chaotic AUR into their custom ArcoLinux ISOs, thanks to recent script adaptations. This capability significantly expands the customization options for ArcoLinux ISOs, allowing users to include a wide variety of software not previously available in the standard ArcoLinux repositories.
The focus of this video is on creating a custom ISO named “ArcoLinuxL Prime,” which combines the XFCE4 environment from ArcoLinuxLwith the tiling window manager, CHADWM, to create a personalized version of ArcoLinux. This ISO is designed to cater to the creator’s specific workflow preferences, primarily using CHADWM while retaining XFCE4 as a fallback option.
The process of sharing and replicating custom ISO builds among users is highlighted as a key feature. By sharing a single file that lists the desired packages and configurations, users can easily recreate another user’s custom ISO. This file, located within the “ArcoLinuxL Nemesis” script repository, serves as the blueprint for building the “ArcoLinuxL Prime” ISO.
To build this custom ISO, users are instructed to clone the ArcoLinux Nemesis repository, which contains the necessary build scripts and package list for “ArcoLinuxL Prime.” The process involves replacing the default package list in the ArcoLinuxL build with the custom list from the “ArcoLinuxL Prime” configuration. This simple file swap allows for the easy creation of the custom ISO with minimal effort.
Throughout the video, the creator emphasizes the simplicity of this process, showcasing how a few straightforward steps can result in a highly personalized ArcoLinux ISO. The ability to include packages from the Chaotic AUR is particularly stressed as a significant advancement, opening up new possibilities for customizing ArcoLinux to fit individual needs and preferences.
By the end of the tutorial, the creator successfully initiates the build process for the “ArcoLinuxL Prime” ISO, demonstrating the ease with which users can customize and share their unique versions of ArcoLinux. This approach not only enhances the flexibility of ArcoLinux but also fosters a community-driven approach to Linux distribution customization.