Let us troubleshoot the ArcoLinux building process – the build failed – what to do

Things to consider:

  1. it is never the last error that matters it is the FIRST
  2. add only packages that can be installed with sudo pacman -S
  3. check for typos

This video serves as a troubleshooting guide for building custom ArcoLinuxB ISOs, with a focus on integrating specific packages and handling potential issues that may arise during the process. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the package inclusion mechanism in the ISO build process, noting that packages must be available through the `sudo pacman -S` command to be included directly in the ISO. This requirement excludes packages only available in the AUR (Arch User Repository), as they are not pre-built and require an AUR helper like `yay` or `paru` to compile and install.

The tutorial underscores the critical nature of the first error encountered during the build process. It stresses that subsequent errors often stem from the initial one, making it essential to address the first error to resolve subsequent issues effectively.

One specific example highlighted was the attempt to include the `virtualbox-guest-modules` package, which was not found due to it not being available through the standard Arch Linux repositories. This led to the broader point that only packages available through the official Arch repositories or the ArcoLinux repositories could be directly included in the ISO.

For packages available only in the AUR, the speaker suggests two alternatives post-installation. The first is to create a script that runs after installation, using an AUR helper to install the desired AUR packages. The second, more advanced option involves creating a personal repository, adding it to the Pacman configuration, and including the AUR packages there, allowing for their inclusion during the ISO build process.

Additionally, the speaker introduces the “personal” folder concept, a unique ArcoLinux feature. This folder can include configuration files, pre-built packages (from the AUR or elsewhere), wallpapers, or other personal items, which will be incorporated into the built ISO and present on the final system after installation.

Throughout the tutorial, the speaker advocates for a gradual learning approach, encouraging users to build on their knowledge progressively and explore the vast possibilities within Linux and Arch Linux in particular. The goal is to empower users to customize their ArcoLinuxB ISOs while understanding the underlying mechanisms and potential pitfalls.