We have added a folder to your Linux system.
The folder is called personal and it is on your / (root).
The idea is to put elements in there you want to use later on your personally build iso like
- configs
- settings
- pre-built packages not available on repos or on AUR
- wallpapers
- music or videos
- …
After a clean install you type the alias ‘personal‘ into your terminal and all settings will move to your home directory.
Building arconet with extra packages from the ArcoLinux repos and the Chaotic-aur repo and use the personal folder
Arch Linux is Lego-likeThese videos dive deep into the flexibility and modularity of Arch Linux, presenting the process as similar to building with Lego blocks. The idea is that you start with a basic Arch Linux installation, which acts like a base plate, and from...
Building an ArcoLinuxS iso with the xfce prime package using the personal folder
In this video, we introduce a new article focused on leveraging Git for managing and backing up configurations for various window managers like XMonad, BSPWM, and i3. This guide is essential for anyone looking to preserve their custom configurations or adapt and share...
How to create your personal look of any desktop – power project
want to build the iso?https://github.com/erikdubois/edu-plasma-power Git clone the code and run script number 40 like any other build.want to have this plasma theme?sudo pacman -S edu-power-git Activate the nemesis-repo with ATT if needed.SUMMARY Project Goal: The...
How to get you personal files and configuration on the ArcoLinux iso
Workflow video Start with a clean install on a virtual machine. Make a copy/paste of .config and .local. Rice your system the way you like and use meld to know what files and folders you need to include for the alias "personal" to copy/paste over to your working system.
Add packages, drivers, icons, wallpapers … anything to the ArcoLinuxB isos via de /personal folder
The /personal folder is ideal to add 'elements' to the iso (and as a result to your future system). You can use them later after installation. In this case I made the video to add a Mac driver to the folder. You can add files and folders to the airootfs but we...
Creation of a personal look for Leftwm
After we changed the ArcoLinux Leftwm theme called Candy we want to keep our theme. Copy/paste the folder and rename it to brandy. This folder brandy will never be overwritten. Later we can leftwm to change the theme from candy to brandy. Keep your data save on...
Creation of a new look personal3 – xfce4 panel to the top
Goal is to get the xfce4 panel at the top. My creations are on https://github.com/erikdubois/arcolinux-nemesis. What steps should I take to create a new personal look?
Create new themes and create new aliases personal1, personal2, …
We have a /personal folder on ArcoLinux. The idea is to put your .config or your .local or anything else in there when building an iso. BUT You can fill this /personal folder later after a clean install of ArcoLinuxif building isos is not (yet) for you You can also do...
Create the personal folder on your current system and use the alias personal
The idea of Arch Linux and ArcoLinux is to stay rolling. ArcoLinux makes that possible by giving you knowledge to keep your system up and running. We show you how easy it is to add a /personal folder and then copy/paste whatever setting you like into it and use the...
Building the ArcoLinuxS iso and use the personal folder for a personal look
We recommend you use Meld to see how Desktops are created. It is all about settings, files, folders, database, ... Knowing what to copy over to your /personal folder is key.
Building the ArcoLinuxB Awesome iso and using the personal folder
You can completely rewrite the code for Awesome or you can make small changes. It is all up to you. We show you how easy it is. Awesome has just the one folder where all the settings are. To make it a bit more complex we have added some wallpapers to the iso in the...
Building the ArcoLinuxB Plasma iso and using the personal folder to create a personal plasma look
We analyze what elements makes up the beautiful look on Plasma. Plasma is one of the most complete (read difficult) desktops to develeop. Its code and settings is in a diversity of files, folders and database. Be sure to have them all. Try and try again is the message.